Thursday, July 23, 2009

Chapter 2 "Homesteading" - keeping it simple...focus on home and health!

Technically we are not Homesteaders...not yet at least. My husbands dream is one day for all of us to live in some remote location and survive completely off the land. He is my Mountain Man...and I love him! For now, we are just keeping it simple and starting off slow, doing what we can, when we can. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!!!

We have always had a wood stove and try to use it to heat the entire house all season long. John (my husband) cuts and splits all the wood we use. Recently, we had solar panels installed. It has only been three months but so far so good. We love it! Even though we have the biggest system allowed for a residential setting, we are still using some electric from off the grid. Our Electric bill for July was $15.35...not too shabby:) We have well water and a nice little garden we started this year. It's not perfect but it is something. Every little bit helps.

I would have to say that my desire to be self sufficient has grown over time. Twelve years ago, when we first moved into our house, I insisted on getting a wood stove. I had never had one before but just knew that I would love it. It was contagious! The more we used it, the more we saved and the prouder I felt. Just knowing that if the electric were to go out, we would be warm and toasty made it all worth while. Don't get me wrong, it is a lot of work tending to the fire all day, but if you learn to manage it well, it's not too bad.

Almost 2 years ago, I suddenly started thinking about Solar. I thought it would be really cool to have our electricity paid for by using the Sun. When I found out how much it was, I was really taken aback. was a lot up front! I weighed the pro's and con's and put my application in with my $500.00 non-refundable deposit. Luckily for me, by the time I finally got my State Rebate approval letter (18mths later), President Obama had also included a 30% state tax incentive for Solar installation...yippee!!! Things were starting to look promising. Along with all of that, there are these SREC (Solar Renewable Energy Credits) available to sell and help defer the cost of your system. All utility companies are required to use a certain amount of Green energy per year. They are fined a set fee for every kWh they do not use. So they bid for and buy your credits on the open market. Some people choose not to sell them because technically, if you do, you are not actually producing your own energy, you are renting your rooftop. It is a personal decision and the SREC's will not be around forever. They say you will be able to sell them until 2016. In my opinion, this will depend on how many big utilities start producing there own Solar Power. I feel this will determine the price and time for SREC sales. This is strictly my opinion, I could be wrong.

We planted a small garden, put in 6 grape vine plants and some Blackberry and Raspberry plants this year and started a mulch pile. We also built a fire pit in the back yard that we can cook's fun and the kids love it! We had always talked of planting a garden but John became much more interested in actually doing one after he started researching and reading several books on Cancer prevention and conspiracies. It all started making a lot of sense. Why is Cancer so prevalent now?... There are a lot of theories but the one that makes the most sense to us is the food or lack of foods we are eating. For instance, Millet is a grain that used to be in all of our breads and cereals. You no longer find it anywhere except for in specialty health food stores. Millet has Nitrilosides in it which is a known Cancer preventer. Nitrilosides are found in certain grains, grasses and fruit seeds. We are currently experimenting in making our own Millet bread. I'll let you know how it turns out:)! We have all started eating the seeds of apples. They are very high in Nitrilosides but be careful...only eat the amount of seeds that you would eat in an apple. They can be toxic in too large of a dose! We joke about living off the land...but little by little, we are doing it! We may even get some chickens this fall and start getting our own eggs...I'll keep you posted! Another big Cancer cause seems to be the meat we eat. No, I am not a vegetarian...I like my meat, but the more we find out about all the hormones that are put into our meats the less we want to eat it. The problem is I am just not ready to start raising and slaughtering my own livestock. Our property is not big enough and honestly, I don't know if I could raise an animal to eat! My husband does hunt and we usually have enough deer meat for hamburgers and such for the year. The deer population does seems to be getting smaller and smaller. It seems like more are getting hit on the road then killed for food. I don't feel too bad about John hunting because he only hunts what we can eat...he still feels bad when he kills one. John's dad was a butcher, so John can butcher all his own meat too.

For now, this is what we are about you? Start off small and you'll see just how fun and satisfying Homesteading can be!

I am listing a few books that you might find interesting...I know we did!

1. "The China Study" by T. Collin Campbell, PHD and Thomas m. Campbell II
2. "World Without Cancer" by G. Edward Griffin

If you really want to read something interesting and ironic read:

3. "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chapter 1 "To Home school or Not to Home school"

To Home school or not to Home school?

July 22, 2009

That is the big question...John is going into first grade. He attended the same small wonderful school from Pre-K to Kindergarten. With only 10 children in his class it was a dream come true. Not to mention the teachers and staff were great! The public schools in our area leave a lot to be desired and I am not that impressed with the private schools either. I would prefer not to pay for school if I did not have to, especially because I feel I would have to supplement anyway.

So this is where I am; trying to make a very important decision about my son's education. Obviously, I am not taking it lightly. First grade is a very important grade for any child, especially mine:) John is a very bright boy, and I'm not just saying that because I am his mom. I also recognize his shortcomings and fear he will get lost in the shuffle of a large class. John tends to not focus unless he is interested in the subject matter. If he had a curriculum designed around Dinosaurs, Trucks and Deadliest Catch, John would do great! Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. John can be lazy and easily labeled average if he is not pushed. I've seen it with my own eyes...we'll be working on something that I know he should know, and unless I really stay on him to the point of exhaustion, he doesn't break through. If I stay on him, all of a sudden, the light bulb goes on and he understands or remembers. What teacher is going to do that? None! Most children would say they were being picked on and most teachers would never be able to take that much time with one child. The teacher may try for a few minutes, but after that they would have to attend to the rest of the class and to those who actually wanted to learn. He would get pushed aside and labeled as average.

I started to investigate my options. I looked at 3 of the Public Schools in our area, 2 Catholic Schools, 2 Private Schools and 1 Charter School. I had done my homework and was not satisfied with any of my choices. I just did not feel comfortable and I was not the only one! Five of the Ten children's parents in John's Kindergarten class felt the same as I did. We have been on a never ending quest to decide on the right school. We all sound the same...Public, Private, Charter, we change our minds from day to day, it's terrible. I am the only one in the group who is considering Homeschooling. One mother said to me yesterday, "honestly, it doesn't matter how much time I have, I still don't think I will be able to make a decision". When I suggest Home school everyone says the same thing, "I could never do that, I would never have the patience for it." I used to say the same thing and honestly, I am far from patient. I am considering it because I am starting to think it is my best option. I am hoping and praying I can be patient and Home school my son without him resenting me and vice versa.

My biggest fear is the socialization aspect or lack of it with Homeschooling. There is a Home School Academy just up the road which is out for the summer so I can't investigate it right now, but I was told that it is approximately $2000.00 for the year. The curriculum is given to you and the children meet there once a week (9am to 4pm)to receive their weekly assignments, have class and go over their work. I have spoken to some parents who are currently Homeschooling and they all suggest supplementing activities such as Art, Music, Dance, Sports etc. to help with socialization. I have looked into 2 recommended curriculum's, "Calvert" and "Sonlight". I liked them both, especially "Sonlight", which is Christian based curriculum. No, I am not overly religious, I do not even go to church on a regular basis however I do believe in God and like the fact that it is incorporated into the daily lesson plans. This curriculum cost about $850.00. I used to teach Special Education (7-12th grade) and helped in First Grade as a supplemental teacher for 3 hours a day. I think I could do it, I just don't know if it would be the best thing for him. I am afraid he would miss out on special fun things that he might do with his class. I don't think that I can make learning fun! I think he will learn more but I don't know if he will enjoy it. So there is my dilemma.

August 20, 2009's been nearly a month and I finally made a decision for John's schooling. I decided to test out the public school. I really should have been blogging the entire month about my difficulty in making a decision. It was ridiculous, one day it was the Charter School, the next it was Public, then Home school and every once in awhile, I would consider Catholic again. Honestly, I am sooooo relieved and happy that I have made a decision and it’s a good thing since there is only 2 1/2 weeks until school starts.

My difficulty steamed from the fact that I did not feel comfortable with any of my choices. It wasn’t even the money…if I found a private school that I really liked and I would have no problem paying for my son’s education…it is that important! The problem was I could not find a school I really liked. The Catholic Schools seemed very unfriendly and nervous. The public schools in Vineland, like I said before, left a lot to be desired. The Charter School could not or would not answer some simple questions and the extended day and year had me bothered. Home schooling, although still my first choice, I regrettably decided against because I know that my personality and lack of patience with him would cancel out the benefits.

Luckily, out of the 13 possible public elementary schools, the one that John was assigned to is the best! The Principal is wonderful and from what I could see and what everyone has told me, so is the staff. It is a very warm and friendly environment and although it seems very big, it is set up in such a way for each grade that gives it a cozier small feel.

Yesterday morning I decided we should go and visit the school again. The first visit little John did not come with us and I thought he would feel more comfortable if he saw it and met some of the people. So I called and they welcomed us with open arms…perfect! When we drove up to the building I could actually smell the FEAR in the car! John was petrified… I was a little nervous myself! The secretary had a first grade teacher show us around. She was wonderful…Mrs. Burns was all that you could ask for in a first grade teacher. She was warm and friendly and made you feel comfortable from the start. She even said that she loved to have parents come in and help out. Wow…could it get anymore perfect!?! I told her my teaching experience and she said she would love to have me come in and help out with the reading groups…GREAT!!! Now I can be involved in a good way and still get a feel for the kids in the school. Ahhhh ya, that is if she is John’s teacher. They have 4 first grade teachers and they all are well recommended. Damn, it’s too late for requests; I’ll have to leave it to fate. Later that day, I did call the principal to ask if it was indeed too late for a request. She told me it was, so I asked it she could tell me who he was assigned to? She came back on the phone and said “Room 21, Mrs……Burns”. JACKPOT!!!! Yaaaaaaa, I was so happy! She was glad that she had a happy parent and so was I! We ran out, did some school clothes shopping and everyone, for the time being, is happy! I’ll keep you posted!